Extended Swansea Pub Opening Bid Gets Rejected

South Wales PoliceA Swansea pub has had a bid to extend its opening hours turned down by the local authority after police raised objections.
Jack Murphys in Wind Street applied for a variation of its licence to open from 9am until 3.30am, seven days a week.

But the application was turned down as the extended opening would have an adverse impact on crime and anti-social behaviour in the city centre.

The application to extend opening hours represented the first test of a cumulative impact saturation policy introduced by Swansea Council for the city’s Wind Street and surrounding area.

Swansea city centre Chief Inspector Keith Jones said: “Up until this application all other licensed premises have supported the common aim of creating a safe night-time economy in Swansea.

“If this extension had been granted then it would have led to further applications and 3.30am licenses would quickly become the norm, rather than the exception.

“We are pleased that the local authority has recognised the totally negative impact later opening hours would have on the city centre. We will continue to work with all our partners within Safer Swansea to make the city centre a safer place for everyone.”
