Financial report confirms Gwynedd’s on the right tracks

Despite the tough financial climate and the need to deliver increased savings due to the real terms reduction in central government funding, a report by Gwynedd Council’s Resources Portfolio Leader confirms that the Council has been effectively managing budgets for the county’s taxpayers over the past year.

The report – which will be considered by the Council Cabinet on 12 June 2012 – explains that Gwynedd Council continues to deliver firm and balanced financial management, that every department had exercised “financial discipline” and spending in all areas of the Council’s work is under control.

Councillor Peredur Jenkins, Gwynedd Council’s Cabinet Member for Resources, who leads on Finance, said:

“It is good to report that, despite the ever tightening financial situation, during 2011/12 Council services successfully delivered planned savings ahead of schedule.

“This positive report confirms that Gwynedd’s leaders and managers are successfully implementing the long-term strategic financial strategy to manage and prioritise spending as the government cuts bite.

“This approach was recently praised in an independent report by local government watchdog, the Wales Audit Office which stated that we had “improved” and that we are “well placed” to face the significant financial challenges that lie ahead.”

Council Leader, Councillor Dyfed Edwards added:

“Whilst the financial outlook remains bleak, it is good to see this latest confirmation that Gwynedd Council is effectively managing the public purse whilst remaining ambitious in the way we deliver services for local people.

“Once more in 2011/12, the Council has built on its solid financial foundations and the challenge for us now is to continue with that standard over the next five years.

“Also, the Council succeeded in spending nearly £36 million on capital projects last year and attracted over £16 million of specific grants as a source of finance.”


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