Finch-Saunders Comments onWilliams Commission Statement

Janet_Finch-SaundersCommenting on the forthcoming publication of the Williams Commission and its recommendations for the future structure of local government in Wales, Janet Finch-Saunders AM, Shadow Minister for Local Government, said:

“Hardworking families care about how frontline public services in their community can be improved and delivered more efficiently to suit local needs and that must be the primary consideration.

“We look forward to reading the Commission’s recommendations on how local services can be delivered for the people of Wales, which will be of far more interest to hardworking people than the configuration of local government structures.

“We hope the publication of this report will start to bring some certainty to the tens of thousands of people who work in local government, who will no doubt be anxious about their jobs given the seemingly endless speculation about reorganisation.

“Families concerned about local government jobs will now look to Carwyn Jones to make a prompt and clear statement about his intentions for the future delivery of public services in Wales.”
