Finch-Saunders: Wales hit by Labour’s Council Tax hike

An independent survey published today by the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) will confirm that households in Wales are set to be hit by the highest Council Tax rises in Britain.

Figures show the average Council Tax rise in England and Scotland will be 0.3% and 0% respectively, compared to 2.2% in Wales.

Wales is facing the highest Council Tax rises due to Labour’s decision not to pass on funding from the Conservative-led UK Coalition for a Council Tax freeze.

Average Band D Council Tax bills have risen by 140% since Labour came to power in 1997.

Janet Finch-Saunders AM, Shadow Minister for Local Government, said, “It is grossly unfair that families and pensioners in Wales are set to be stung by the highest Council Tax rises in Britain.

“Labour had the chance to freeze Council Tax for every household in Wales with the £39million from the Conservative-led Coalition.

“Unfortunately, Labour Ministers decided to spend this money on their own pet projects rather than supporting hard-pressed families in Wales.

“Council Tax has more than doubled under Labour.  Now Labour is forcing cash-strapped families in Wales to pay even more in tax.

“Welsh Conservatives will continue to fight for a fair deal for families and pensioners in Wales with a freeze in Council tax.”

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