Finch-Suanders: Wales to be hit by Labour’s Council Tax hikes

Welsh Conservative AMs have stepped up their criticism of Labour Ministers for failing to freeze Council Tax.

The Welsh Labour Government received £38.9million from the Conservative-led Coalition resulting from a Council Tax freeze in England.  Council Tax has also been frozen in Scotland.

Janet Finch-Saunders AM, Shadow Minister for Local Government, said, “Next month, families in Wales will face the highest Council Tax rises in Britain – as high as 4.5%.

“Average band D Council Tax bills have risen by 140% since Labour came to power and are now set to soar even higher.

“Labour had the chance to protect families and pensioners in Wales from the prospect of rising bills thanks to the Conservatives in Westminster.

“Labour has denied local councils the choice to freeze Council Tax and forced hard-pressed households to pay even more in tax.

“Welsh Conservatives will continue to fight for a fair deal for families and pensioners in Wales with a freeze in Council Tax.”

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