Find out more about how you could make a world of difference by fostering children

Swansea residents can find out more about how they could make a world of difference to a child’s life at a special event in the city this month.

Swansea Council’s Foster Swansea team are hosting an information evening on Monday, August 16th , from 4pm – 8pm, at Newton Village Hall.

The event aims to give people who think they may be interested in fostering a friendly opportunity to get the information they need to make this important  decision.

According to the latest figures the number of looked after children in Swansea rose to 587 in June 2010 compared to 466 in June 2009.

Since the council launched its Make a World of Difference …Foster campaign in May Swansea Council’s Foster Swansea team has taken 139 enquiries about fostering.

Already 20 applications to become fully fledged foster cares have been received. The number of foster carers has increased to 197 compared to 168 at the same last year.

However Foster Swansea still needs more families to consider the whole range of fostering it need to provide to help it meet growing demand for care.

Swansea Council
Cabinet member for social services Cllr Nick Tregoning said: “If you are thinking about fostering, but you’re not sure what it involves, then why not speak to Foster Swansea and find out? That way, you’ll know if fostering is for you, and what opportunities to foster are available.

Swansea Council’s Child and Family Services is investing to achieve better recruitment, retention, and training in its fostering services so that the children who come into care are found a stable, nurturing, and caring family environment to help them face their futures positively.
“It is the case that there are Swansea children who need our help because of their present family circumstances, or things that are happening in their own lives. For most of them,  foster care in a loving home will be the very best thing that could happen.”

Foster Swansea’s Make a World of Difference…Foster campaign aims to help people in Swansea discover if they could foster and make a real difference to children’s lives.

Anyone interested in attending the event should book a place by calling 01792 533229 or email [email protected]

Anyone who cannot attend but is interested in fostering should contact Foster Swansea by calling 01792 533200.

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