Flint Masterplan Consultation – Public event; Flint Town Hall; Thursday 12 January

Flint residents will get their chance to comment on the emerging ideas for the town’s new Masterplan at a public event at Flint Town Hall next Thursday, 12 January, between 4pm and 7pm.

Flint’s new Masterplan is currently under development by consultants DTZ – who have been appointed by Flintshire County Council, in association with other partners.

The emerging ideas are based on feedback from the consultation events held in October, when the local community and stakeholders (including local businesses) gave their views on the town’s strengths and challenges.

The ideas for change, that will be on display at the Town Hall, will seek to improve the appearance, image and function of the town – enabling Flint to develop as a viable and attractive town centre, better able to serve the needs of its existing community, with the ability to attract people from outside the town.

Flintshire County Council and DTZ are keen to encourage people to come along to the drop-in event at Flint Town Hall on 12 January between 4pm and 7pm; the feedback from this session will help shape the final Masterplan and strategy – which is due to be completed at the end of February 2012.

Councillor Ian Roberts, Councillor Alex Aldridge and Councillor David Cox, who are all members of the Flint Steering Group, said:

“This is another opportunity for the public to view the emerging proposals and to have their input into what we believe are exciting opportunities which reveal the extent and potential that these plans have for the people of Flint.”

For those unable to attend the event, a leaflet is being produced, and will be available at public areas in the town centre, including the library, Town Hall and Flint Pavilion.

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