Flintshire Council tenants have received the formal Choices Document which explains in detail the choices for the future of Council housing in Flintshire and the “proposal” to transfer Council homes to a new not-for-profit and independent Registered Social Landlord called Dee Housing.
Welsh Government policy requires all Councils to bring their homes up to the Welsh Housing Quality Standard (WHQS) within a timescale acceptable to the Welsh Government. The Council does not have the resources to do this. Therefore, the Council is required to give tenants the choice to transfer to Dee Housing to be guaranteed of having their homes brought up to WHQS within five years of any transfer.
The formal Choices Document gives tenants details of what transfer would mean for their homes and services with Dee Housing and what would happen if homes stay with the Council. This is not the ballot, but an opportunity for tenants to let the Council have their views on the document before the process goes to the next stage. Tenants have until 6 February 2012 to comment on the document. The County Council will consider the comments received and the ballot will take place in February and March 2012.
The document is accompanied by a summary ‘Easy Guide’.
Colin Everett, Chief Executive and Richard Lovelace, Project Director said: “We encourage all tenants to take part in the coming ballot. We want the highest possible percentage of tenants to use their vote as this is such an important decision which will determine how Council housing is to be provided in the future.
“The Council is not seeking to promote a particular result and believes that it is the tenants’ decision to decide the future of their homes. This is what we have called the Council’s ‘neutral stance’. Through a ballot the choice whether to vote in favour of transfer or not will be made by the tenants. This is why the document is called a Choices Document.
Before making a decision to go to ballot we want to hear tenants’ comments on the information contained in the Choices Document.”
As part of the consultation, the Independent Tenant Advisor, TACT@Dome are organising a roadshow for tenants that will visit around 25 locations across the County.
If, after reading the document, tenants are unsure about anything, or require further advice, they can get free, impartial and confidential advice from the Independent Tenant Advisor, TACT@Dome:
Freephone: 0800 919994
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.domeconsultants.co.uk