Flintshire County Council Community Chest Grant 2012/13 – Round 2

The Community Chest Grant Scheme was established to support voluntary and community activity in Flintshire.

In the past a wide range of community groups have secured grants to provide local services and help promote community spirit, for example, sports clubs, childcare organisations, health groups, tenants and residents associations.

Any non-profit making community/ voluntary organisation operating in, or serving all or part of Flintshire can apply. Applications can be made for a maximum award of £1,000.

Priority will be given to organisations with an annual income of less than £10,000. Applicants with an annual income above this may apply but will only be considered if they can provide clear evidence that the project / initiative cannot be undertaken by another local community based voluntary organisation.

The opening date for the second round of applications is Wednesday 1 August and closes at noon on Friday 28 September.

For guidance on how to apply and / or an application form, please contact Support Services on 01352 702340 or visit www.flintshire.gov.uk/voluntaryorganisationgrants.


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