Flintshire Holiday Park Wins Bellamy Award

Mandy Cartwright and colleagues near Presthaven Holiday Park

Mandy Cartwright and colleagues near Presthaven Holiday Park

A Flintshire  holiday park has been recognised for environmental excellence by the David Bellamy Conservation Awards.

Presthaven Sands Holiday Park has been awarded a Special Distinction Award for the work they do to protect and enhance the natural environment. The green tourism award scheme was set up by conservationist David Bellamy OBE to highlight holiday parks committed to the environment.

The Gronant-based park works closely with Flintshire Countryside Services as part of a 10-year environmental management plan, which includes protecting and promoting the natural habitat for the benefit of species such as the Natterjack toad, Sand lizard and other flora and fauna.

This award comes in addition to the Gold Conservation Award that has been held by the park since 2003 and is thanks to the continued endeavours and commitment of the site coastal ranger, Mandy Cartwright and colleagues to improve the natural environment for both people and wildlife.

Councillor Bernie Attridge, Cabinet Member for Enviroment said:

“Winning this Special Distinction Award proves how successful this partnership is. Gronant Dunes and Talacre Warren is a unique place to visit and houses protected species. The partnership role involves managing people to benefit wildlife, which can sometimes be in opposition, but through careful planning by ourselves and financial backing from Presthaven, we meet these challenges with notable success.”

A new grazing project introduced by Mandy Cartwright is also underway. Carneddau ponies were brought in two years ago as a pilot project and it is proving most successful. The ancient Welsh breed grazes the dune grasslands to promote bio-diversity and keep the grass short. The success of the first phase led to further funding from both Natural Resources Wales and Flintshire County Council in 2013-14, for the extension and creation of new compartments, which is now underway.

David Bellamy said:

“This good work highlights the benefits that come from having an experienced conservation team involved with the management of the site, which house fragile eco-systems. It is a delight to see projects using local ancient breeds to enhance and secure a rich bio-diverse habitat.”

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