Flintshire Record Office Award

Pictured with the Marketing Innovation Award are Mark Allen, Conservator and Stephanie Hines, Archivist

Pictured with the Marketing Innovation Award are Mark Allen, Conservator and Stephanie Hines, Archivist

Flintshire Record Office has scooped a national prize in the Welsh Libraries and Archives Marketing Innovation Awards 2014 – receiving Highly Commended in the Archive Services category for two events last November.

Flintshire Record Office organised the events to highlight Explore Your Archive Week. The first was a joint talk by Paul Brighton from the Pennant Society and Mark Allen, Flintshire Record Office’s Conservator and showcased Thomas Pennant’s own copy of his ‘History of the Parishes of Whiteford and Holywell’ (1796) with its many extra illustrations held at the Record Office. An insight into the history of bookbinding, with particular reference to the Pennant volume, was provided by Mark Allen and this talk was followed later in the week by a bookbinding workshop.

The awards were open to all library and archive services in Wales to recognise and reward innovative marketing activities which take place throughout the year and the aim of the awards is to celebrate and promote this valuable work. Thirty six entries were received from public, higher education libraries, further education and health libraries plus archive services and were judged by Dr Jonathan Deacon, Reader in Marketing and Entrepreneurship at University of South Wales and Trustee of the Chartered Institute of Marketing Cymru.

Claire Harrington, Principal Archivist at Flintshire Record Office said: “We are very pleased to have won this award for our Pennant talk and bookbinding workshop. The staff involved in the project thoroughly enjoyed themselves and I think this was an important factor in winning the award. We are delighted to have gained national recognition for our work.”

The Marketing Innovation Awards form one part of the Welsh Government’s national marketing and audience development programme for libraries and archives in Wales.


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