Flintshire Street Lighting and Highways and Winter Maintenance teams celebrate success

The Street Lighting, Highways and Winter Maintenance teams at Flintshire County Council are celebrating after winning a Public Service award, and being a finalist in three other national awards recently.

The Street Lighting team were rated ‘Best Performer for Street Lighting’ at the APSE Performance Networks 2010 awards. The award was due to the section driving down the response time for rectifying street lighting faults and, as a consequence, being ranked in the top quartile of Welsh authorities. Other contributing factors for their accolade were the low costs for inspections and the low energy consumption per lighting unit. The team were also finalists in the Most Improved Performer for Street Lighting category.

At the same awards, the Council was also a finalist in the Best Performer for Highways and Winter Maintenance category for the team’s work repairing damaged roads.

The Street Lighting team was also a finalist in the Excellence Wales Status awards for collaboration with the other North Wales authorities for procurement of street lighting energy.

Presenting the staff with their awards, Cllr Tony Sharps, Executive Member for Environment, said:

“To win and to be a finalist for these awards shows a truly outstanding performance from the teams in Street Lighting, Highways and Winter Maintenance.

“For the street lighting team to win ‘best performer award’ shows that they are one of the top performing authorities in Wales in this category, and that’s absolutely marvellous.

“The Highways and Winter Maintenance Team being nominated as best performer is once again a well deserved achievement, and underlines why they are best known as ‘those magnificent men in their gritting machines.’

“Being a finalist in the Excellence Wales Status awards also demonstrates that collaboration and partnership working is the way forward.”

Photograph: Councillor Tony Sharps presents Darell Jones, Street Lighting Manager, with a trophy for winning Best Performer for Street Lighting at the APSE Performance Networks 2010 awards. Looking on are employees from the Council’s Street Lighting and Highways and Winter Maintenance teams
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