Flintshire’s Criw Celf masterclass art project

Artistically able and talented Flintshire school children from years 5 and 6 had their work on exhibition at the Art and Craft Mill in Holywell recently, after they took part in a series of six art master classes, with three professional artists.

Criw Celf is a pan-North Wales art project, which has provided 26 able and talented children with the opportunity to learn advanced techniques and use unfamiliar materials.

The children worked with Ruth Thomas (print-making), Jan Gardner (exploring line and colour) and Cefyn Burgess (textile art) in creating pieces of work which were professionally framed and exhibited. Five frames of their work will be exhibited in a six county Criw Celf exhibition in September.

The Flintshire Criw Celf Art Project is funded by Arts Council Wales and Flintshire County Council, and the art training days were arranged by the Arts, Culture and Events section of the Council.

Councillor Ann Minshull, Chairman of Flintshire County Council, said: “I was really impressed by the artwork that these very talented children have created. I’m sure their families are very proud of what they have achieved.”

Councillor Chris Bithell, Cabinet Member for Education, said: “Criw Celf gives these talented young artists an opportunity to develop their creative skills under the guidance of professional artists. I’m pleased to announce that the funding has been secured from Arts Council of Wales and Flintshire County Council for a further 12 months.”

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