Jane Rowlands-Mellor, Lead Nurse for Patient Experience and Michelle Fowler, Volunteer Services Manager at Concourse, UHW at food bank collection point
Staff, visitors and patients at Cardiff and Vale University Health board recently contributed to a grocery collection to help support Cardiff Food bank.
Food banks help by providing emergency food and support to people experiencing crisis.
Cardiff and Vale University Health Board’s Patient Experience Team and Health Board volunteers manned collection points at the Concourse at University Hospital of Wales and also at the Information and Support Centre and the Chapel at University Hospital Llandough on 20 July.
Michelle Fowler, Volunteer Services Manager at Cardiff and Vale UHB said, “We were really pleased with the donations received from patients, visitors and staff. I’d like to thank everyone who contributed to the collection. The items collected will make a massive difference to those in need. Another food bank will be held again in December, please donate if you can.