Food Recycling and Waste from your Cardiff Flat or Apartment

Cardiff Council now collects recycling and separate food waste weekly from households in the City.  While houses have all received kerbside caddies to put out weekly on the appropriate day, requirements can differ for blocks of flats and apartments.

The food waste collection service could not be easier to use.  All residents in flats and apartments will have access to a kerbside caddy or a brown communal wheeled bin labelled ‘food waste’.

Simply line your kitchen caddies with council issued caddy liners only and fill with your food waste.  Once full, remove and tie the liner bag and place it in the kerbside caddy or brown communal wheelie bin provided in your waste storage area.

If you are unsure how the new service affects your building, please contact your property management company who will be able to advise you on this important part of the new scheme.

Of equal importance is the need to ensure full use is made of the weekly recycling service.  Again, this is a very simple service to use.  Fill your green bags with dry recyclable material and place the bag in the communal recycling bin labelled ‘Dry recyclables’, or place your bags kerbside if you don’t have a communal recycling bin.  Do not use black bags for any food waste or recyclable items.

Please contact your property management company if you are unsure of your building’s arrangements.

Executive Member for Environment, Cllr Margaret Jones said, “It is really important that residents of the many flats and apartments in Cardiff are aware of how to use the new recycling and food waste service.  Management companies have been given all the information they need for their building’s requirements and we have ensured the new system is easy to use.  There is no need to put any food waste or recyclable items in black bags or bins at all and in flats and apartments doing so can cause unnecessary build-ups of waste and potentially attract pests and vermin to their properties.  Using the weekly food waste and recycling service will greatly help the efficiency of the new scheme and ensure your environment is kept as clean and tidy as possible.”


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