Former Denbigh Hospital Site Urgent Works – Update on Planning Inquiry

denbighshireA planning inquiry into costs around urgent works carried out at the North Wales Hospital site in Denbigh has been adjourned until the end of May.

Due to a failure by the owner to carry out the requirement of an Urgent Works Notice issued by the Council, the authority arranged for the works to be carried out itself and incurred costs of around 900,000.  Invoices for payments were served on the owner of the site, an off-shore company based in the British Virgin Islands.

However, the company has appealed against notices issued by the Council (for around £450,000 worth of work) and the first part of the hearing was heard last week.

Evidence was heard from three of the eight witnesses and the Planning Inspectorate will reconvene the hearing for Wednesday, May 28 for a further three days., to allow evidence to be heard from the remaining witnesses.

The Planning Inspector will then make a recommendation to Welsh Government Ministers on the appeal.

These proceedings are not related to the recent agreement by the Council to take Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) proceedings against the owner. It is expected that the CPO papers will be served on the owners in the coming weeks.

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