Former Lord Mayor boosts school’s fundraising efforts

Fundraising for improvements at one of Swansea’s best-known schools has been given a welcome boost thanks to the efforts of former Lord Mayor of Swansea, Cllr Alan Lloyd.

Cllr Lloyd has been to the special school at Ysgol Crug Glas to hand over £2,500 that will help boost a £450,000 fundraising campaign to improve facilities there.

The cash was raised during Cllr Lloyd’s year as Lord Mayor and he’s been to the school to hand over the money.

He said: “Ysgol Crug Glas is a hugely successful school which has a wonderful reputation for supporting young people with complex and challenging learning needs and their families.

“I’m delighted that the money will go towards upgrading changing facilities around the hydrotherapy pool which I know is used not just by pupils but by the local community as well.”

Phil Martin, Head Teacher at Ysgol Crug Glas, said: “Cllr Lloyd’s support is greatly appreciated. Our Changing for the Better fundraising campaign will help improve the changing area at the hydrotherapy pool.

“The pool is used by six other local schools, the Swansea Stroke Swimming club and by disabled people. It’s a brilliant local resource, so Cllr Lloyd’s contribution will make a big difference to a lot of people.”

Cllr Lloyd was Lord Mayor of Swansea in 2009. Ysgol Crug Glas was one of two charities which benefited from the Lord Mayor’s Charity Fund during the year. The other was the St David’s Medical Foundation, based at Swansea University.

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