Former Monmouthshire Resident Fined After Dog Fouling Case

MonmouthshireA former Monmouthshire resident was fined £200 and ordered to pay a further £300 in costs after failing to pick up when her dog fouled a playing field used by Magor Primary School in April 2013.

Christina Thomas, formerly of Withy Close, Magor, appeared before Cwmbran Magistrates on Monday (10th February 2014).  She had been issued with a £75 fixed penalty notice by Monmouthshire’s environmental health team but when she failed to pay the council took legal proceedings.

Councillor Giles Howard, Monmouthshire’s cabinet member for regulatory services said:

“Dog fouling is consistently raised by residents as unpleasant and a risk to public health.  The fine clearly reflects that concern, particularly since this occurred in a field specifically used for children’s play. County and community councils spend a lot of money, time and effort to ensure areas are clear of fouling and we thank the vast majority of responsible dog owners who always clean up.”

The council will shortly pilot a “Give Dog Fouling the Red Card” campaign in Monmouthshire’s Severnside area and will work in partnership with community councils to raise awareness around the issues of fouling and the penalties for not disposing of dog faeces properly.  The council takes a zero tolerance approach with persons neglecting to clear up after their dog.

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