Free course to tackle childhood obesity

Free spots are now available on a Swansea scheme set up to tackle childhood obesity.

Swansea Council is giving away places on a course running from this week to December that’s aimed at helping overweight children get fitter, happier and healthier.

The scheme is part of the MEND programme (Mind, Exercise, Nutrition, Do It) that’s been rolled out nationally to help children fight obesity with the support of their parents or carers.

Sessions have been arranged for children aged between seven and 13 who are over the healthy weight range for their age and height. Expert help will be on hand to change eating and exercise habits and to point out the benefits of good nutrition and being active.

The special classes will be held after school twice a week for ten weeks at Penyrheol Leisure Centre from Tuesday September 28 to December 9.

Kathryn Phillips and seven-year-old son Joshua have attended the MEND programme in the past.

Kathryn, from Manselton, said: “We learned so many things thanks to the programme. My child is so much more active because of it and as a family we’ve changed what we eat and how we prepare meals. And this means we all have lots more energy.”

A place on the course would normally cost up to £400 and Swansea Council is urging people interested to get in touch because the number of free spots are limited for eligible families.

Helen Matthews, MEND Programme Manager at Penyrheol Leisure Centre, said: “Many families on the course have had a great deal of success in the past and it’s really changed their lives for the better.

“Children become healthier and fitter and we have seen real improvements in their self-esteem and confidence as a result.”

Call Freephone 0800 230 0263, visit or email [email protected] to register for the scheme or to find out more information.

The MEND website also has a body mass index calculator for parents to check if their child is a healthy weight and could benefit from the programme.

A parent or carer must accompany each child to the twice-weekly sessions and places must be booked in advance.


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