Free exhibition opens in Cardiff this weekend

A fascinating exhibition is taking place this weekend, charting the history of Penarth Docks and the Ely Tidal Harbour.

The free exhibition will display an array of photographs documenting how the area has changed from  the 19th Century to the present day.

Penarth Dock and the Ely Tidal Harbour were developed around the middle of the 19th Century, when new docking facilities became necessary as the export of coal escalated.

Among the photographs on display will be images of the Ely Tidal Harbour Chain Operated Ferry from 1865 and the construction of a subway which replaced it in 1897 which was a major feat of engineering at the time.

The exhibition will trace the decline of the coal export trade which saw the Dock close in the 1930s, through to the creation of the Penarth Marina in the 1980s and the restoration of the Ferry Road Peninsular as the International Sports Village (ISV).

As well as a display of photographs, the exhibition – which is being put on by Cardiff Council in partnership with Maritime Heritage Trust Wales and the Jubilee Sailing Trust in Wales, will feature maps and models of ships.

The exhibition will be officially opened by Cardiff Lord Mayor, Councillor Delme Bowen.

He said: “This whole area has a unique history and the exhibition is going to give a fascinating insight into that history. I urge anyone who is interested to come along and see for themselves just how the Penarth Dock and Ely Tidal Harbour has evolved over the last 150 years.”

The exhibition will take place from Saturday, July 2nd to Sunday, July 3rd from 10am to 6pm, at the ISV offices in Watkiss Way opposite the new Pont-y-werin bridge on the River Ely.


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