Free Gaza Flotilla Motion Given Cross Party Backing

A motion for a debate on the Israeli interception of the Free Gaza flotilla has been put forward at the National Assembly for Wales on a cross party basis.  The motion, backed by Rhodri Glyn Thomas AM (Plaid Cymru), Alun Davies AM (Labour), Jenny Randerson AM (Lib Dem) and David Melding AM (Conservative) has been submitted to the table office and is likely to be called next Tuesday.

Rhodri Glyn Thomas AM added:

“I think it is important that these issues are debated at the Assembly.  We are an institution that have debated troubles in the Middle East in the past and have a fine record on humanitarian campaigns.  I am delighted that this motion was given cross party backing and those speakers from all political backgrounds will get the opportunity to express their views on this hugely important issue.”

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