Free Nordic Walking course at John Summers Community Campus

Do you fancy trying the latest way of walking to keep fit?

A Nordic Walking exercise group starts at John Summers Community Campus, Deeside, on Wednesday 7 March at 10am. Why not join us?

Nordic Walking is growing in popularity here in Wales. Groups are appearing across Flintshire, making the best of our beautiful landscape, while getting into shape. We don’t want Higher Shotton residents to miss out on this great way to enjoy keeping fit!

Nordic Walking is a fantastic way to strengthen ordinary walking – using poles to propel the walker along, using the upper body muscles as well as the legs and burning up more calories as you go.

Nordic Walking uses 90% of the body’s skeletal muscles, it helps to maintain back strength, decreases neck and shoulder tension, and is great for the heart and lungs.

There will be six one hour sessions, delivered by a trained instructor. All equipment and guidance for the sessions is free. We’re also offering an optional one day course on Wednesday 18 April, to become a trained walking instructor. For these courses, no special clothing is needed, just comfortable walking shoes and a rainproof jacket.

Register your interest now to reserve a place. Contact the Communities First team: 01244 846090.


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