From autumn 2011 Merthyr Tydfil’s refuse collection service is changing

On March 2nd, Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council’s Cabinet approved the implementation of a fortnightly refuse collection service for all households in the County Borough.  This will be introduced during the autumn of this year.

The food and garden waste collections and your WOW box recycling collection will remain weekly.

It is hoped that by introducing this service change, they will encourage householders to manage their waste more effectively and increase the amount of waste being recycled and composted.

Like all authorities in Wales, Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council is facing strict targets set by the Welsh Assembly Government that they have to meet on the amount of waste that they send for recycling or composting.  Failure to meet these targets can result in the Welsh Assembly Government imposing fines on local authorities. As a local authority, they are also limited on the amount of biodegradable waste that they are permitted to send to landfill. Again, failure to stay within our allowance will result in fines.

They are currently recycling around 36% of our waste within Merthyr Tydfil. Whilst they have improved year on year, in order to achieve our 2012/13 target of 52% of all waste collected being recycled or composted, they need to better manage their waste and to ensure that the wheelie bin is only used for the materials that we are unable to recycle. Around 80% of the waste that householders generate can be recycled.

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