Future of “Linkline to Welsh” translation service secured

The Minister responsible for the Welsh language, Leighton Andrews, has awarded £35,000 funding to Menter Môn to secure the future of a Welsh language translation helpline for businesses and third sector organisations.

The funding has been awarded to ensure that the Linkline to Welsh helpline can continue for 2012/13. The service provides translations of short pieces of text for private and third sector organisations. The service was previously funded by the Welsh Language Board.

Mr Andrews said:

“We are committed to the promotion of the Welsh language to ensure it continues to thrive. We want to see more private and third sector organisations use Welsh and we will support them to do this where we can.

“The Linkline to Welsh has proved very valuable to private sector businesses and third sector organisations across Wales. It has increased the visual presence of Welsh significantly and generated much goodwill, prompting many organisations to take their first steps in using Welsh.”

Menter Môn’s Managing Director, Gerallt Llewelyn Jones, said:

“We are delighted the Minister has awarded this funding, which means we can continue to deliver this important service for the next financial year. Linkline to Welsh has proved vital to many business and third sector organisations looking to use Welsh for the first time.

“We will now look into ways of making this service self-funding in the future.”

Private sector and third sector organisations can contact the Linkline to Welsh on 0845 607 6070.


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