George: Assembly Committee requests Government response to Bypass Petition

The National Assembly’s Petitions Committee has written to the Welsh Transport Minister to request his views on the future of the cross-border Llanymynech to Pant Bypass.

The Committee has taken this action in response to a petition brought forward by the Llanymynech and Pant Bypass Action Group, who have called on the Welsh Government to open up wider public debate on potentially reinstating plans for a bypass.

Montgomeryshire Assembly Member, Russell George, who is a member of the Committee, said he was pleased with the Committee’s decision and felt that the Government should listen and engage with stakeholders on both sides of the border in a meaningful attempt to solve the traffic problems.

Commenting, Mr George said:

“As this is an issue of cross-border concern, it is going to take the engagement and commitment of governments on both sides of the border to solve this long-standing traffic problem.

“I am therefore pleased that the Committee has decided to write to the Welsh Transport Minister, as we and the petitioners would like to gauge the Welsh Government’s opinion on the future development of a bypass.

“There is no doubt that there are real road safety concerns and that the current system does need changing; it simply isn’t fit for purpose.

“My belief is that the most appropriate outcome would be for a new bypass to be built but I do think it’s important that a wider public debate is started now, so all stakeholders involved have the opportunity to have their say on possible short, medium and long-term solutions to the current traffic problems.”

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