George: Call to streamline planning system

Welsh Conservatives have called on the Welsh Labour Government to bring forward its timetable for new legislation for a more efficient planning system.

While a Planning Bill appeared in Welsh Labour’s legislative statement, it is not scheduled to be introduced until 2014, threatening economic growth.

For over five years, Welsh business leaders have been highlighting unreliable planning guidance and a lack of urgency from Welsh Labour Ministers as barriers to stimulating the economy.

CBI Wales has cited the lack of improvements in planning, despite rising costs and bureaucracy for businesses, particularly at a time of economic uncertainty.

Russell George AM, Shadow Minister for the Environment, said, “A strong economy where businesses can respond swiftly to opportunities is crucial to helping Welsh families through challenging times.

“Unfortunately, the Welsh planning system is currently too bureaucratic, slow and costly for businesses to be able to take up opportunities as they arise.

“Ministers have been slow off the mark to respond to calls from business to address shortcomings in the planning system, which are holding our economy back.

“With planning guidance stretching beyond 1,000 pages, it is little wonder that planning officers are struggling to cope with the demands placed on them and that communities are unable to effectively engage.

“Rather than holding back the Welsh economy by delaying legislation for a further three years, it is time for Welsh Labour Ministers to act by streamlining guidance now.”

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