George: No end in sight to TB eradication delay

Montgomeryshire AM and Shadow Minister for the Environment, Russell George, has condemned further Welsh Government delays to the publication of a science review panel report and a subsequent decision on the government’s TB eradication programme.

In a response to a written question from the Welsh Conservatives this month, the Environment Minister, John Griffiths AM, claimed he will ‘announce the way forward in early 2012’.

The report was received by the Minister in November 2011 and his response follows a number of previous ministerial replies claiming a statement will be brought to the Assembly early this year.

Responses date back to October 2011, when the Finance Minister stated ‘the Minister expects the report to be delivered later in the autumn and I know that he will want to bring this to the Assembly as soon as is appropriate.’

Further comments from the First Minister and other Government Ministers have repeatedly claimed a statement would be due soon.

Commenting, Mr George said:

“We are now half way through February and the term ‘early in the new year’ will soon no longer apply.

“The Minister has had this report for well over two months and it’s about time farmers were paid the respect of a decision on direction.

“It’s eight long months since this issue was conveniently kicked into the long grass. During that time frustrations in rural communities have been growing and tensions rising.

“While the Minister buys time, farmers pay the price.

“Tough but necessary action is required on TB and more delays are not just unwelcome, they’re completely unwarranted.”


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