George: Overflowing and Festering Bins Will Encourage Pests

Russell_GeorgeCommenting on confirmation that a Welsh local authority has agreed three weekly refuse collections to begin in October 2014, Russell George AM, Shadow Minister for the Environment, said:

“Under Labour, Welsh council taxpayers are paying more for less.

“Welsh families have faced the highest council tax hikes in the UK of up to 5%, but are receiving poorer public services as some councils look to collect rubbish less frequently.

“Gwynedd Council’s decision to move to three weekly refuse collections follows reports that Labour-led Cardiff Council was considering collecting rubbish just once a month.

“Overflowing and festering bins caused by less frequent collections will increase fly-tipping, encourage vermin and other pests and litter Welsh streets.

“Labour Ministers should have empowered Welsh councils to freeze Council Tax for hardworking families and worked with local government to prioritise frontline services and deliver value for money.”


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