George: Powys Council House Rent Could rise by over 5%

The County Council’s Board will be asked to consider proposals to increase council rent by 5.2% next Tuesday (1 Feb).

Councillor Russell George who is a member of the Council’s executive management board has said that the Welsh Assembly Government has set guidelines for Councils as to what increases they should be asking tenants to pay, but tenants will struggle to find the extra money.

Councillor George who is also the Conservative Welsh Assembly candidate for Montgomeryshire said:

“I can’t understand why the Assembly is recommending such a large increase at the very time people are struggling financially”

The Council’s 15 board members, made up of Conservative, Liberal Democrat, Labour and Independent County councillors will be asked to support a recommendation of increasing Council house rent by 5.2 % to take effect from Monday, 4th April 2011.


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