George: Mid Wales united against wind energy hub

Communities from across Mid Wales united on the steps of the National Assembly yesterday to make their case against large-scale wind farms and the resulting pylons and electricity substations.

It has been proposed that a series of 50 metre high pylons would stretch across Mid Wales, connecting a major electricity substation near Abermule or Cefn Coch in Montgomeryshire, to the National Grid.

Russell George, AM for Montgomeryshire and Shadow Minister for the Environment, who helped organise the rally, said:

“The people of Mid Wales have come together to send a clear message to politicians that we will not stand by as our beautiful landscape is damaged by wind farms.

“This demonstration is a show of strength from the people of Mid Wales, who have too often been ignored by the successive governments in Cardiff Bay.

“The Welsh Government’s TAN 8 policy puts far too much emphasis on wind turbines, almost to the exclusion of other more reliable energy sources, which would have a less detrimental impact on our countryside.

“We are committed to reducing Wales’ carbon footprint and moving towards a greener economy, but this should not be at the expense of our natural environment.

“The people of Mid Wales are custodians of the region’s rural landscape and we will protect it from these ill-considered proposals.

“I call on other Assembly Members to support a moratorium on further windfarm development until a review of TAN 8 has been undertaken.”

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