Gerddi Glasfryn praised in inspection report

Staff working at Gerddi Glasfryn, which provides residential accommodation for children and young people with Autistic Spectrum Disorder at Ysgol Plas Brondyffryn, Denbigh have welcomed a recent inspection report.

Gerddi Glasfryn, which is made up of six flats providing accommodation for 24 children, was inspected by the Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales.

The inspection looked at a number of aspects of Gerddi Glasfryn, including young people’s experiences of arriving at Gerddi Glasfryn through the referral and admission process; how children’s progress is recorded; how parents are kept informed about their child; how young people were supported in having enjoyable activities to do and how staff were supported and trained.  The inspection also looked at management, financial matters and quality of care.

The report states: “There service provided by Gerddi Glasfryn remains highly valued by parents and young people, with real strengths in supporting young people to develop their skills and abilities. There is evidence of good practice in a number of areas in terms of direct provision of care. The staff team are committed and concerned with providing the best care for young people.  Young people were observed to enjoy positive and warm relationships with staff”.

The report highlights:

  • Gerddi Glasfryn has a suitable Statement of Purpose which has been approved by the Board of Governors and Denbighshire County Council
  • Staff strive to ensure that children are encouraged and supported to make decisions about their lives and the way Gerddi Glasfryn is run
  • Pupil contribution to the running of the school is achieved through weekly flat meetings and the school’s community council
  • Suitable arrangements are in place for staff training in non-verbal communication and to ensure the welfare of children is promoted and safeguarded
  • Good relationships between staff and young people – with staff speaking of and to young people with warmth and respect
  • Staff recognised and praised positive behaviour and achievements by children and responded constructively to difficult behaviour.
  • Positive focus on supporting children as individuals and in developing independence skills.
  • Quality of accommodation is good and provides a pleasant homely environment.

Councillor Morfudd Jones, Cabinet Lead Member for Children and Young People, said: “This report makes very pleasing reading and reflects the tremendous amount of good work going on at Gerddi Glasfryn to provide a safe, comfortable, supportive and caring environment for children and young people with Autistic Spectrum Disorder.

“Staff will continue to work closely with the students, their parents and the Board of Governors to continue to develop Gerddi Glasfryn and will continue to learn from best practice”.

The full report can be found at:


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