Get real – get a real nappy

Did you know that a disposable nappy can take as long as 500 years to biodegrade – and seven million of them are sent to landfill sites in Pembrokeshire alone?

That’s over 1,600 tonnes of waste every year.

Now to mark Real Nappy Week (26th April- 2nd May) Pembrokeshire  County Council is urging parents across the County to switch to real nappies to help it reduce waste and save money.

And it could save families money too. It’s estimated that switching from disposable to real nappies can help save parents up to £500 a year.

“At a time when we are trying to cut down on the amount of waste sent to our landfill sites, Real Nappy Week is an ideal time for parents to try and do their bit for the environment,” said Councillor Ken Rowlands, Cabinet Member for Environmental and Regulatory services.

“At the present level disposable nappies cost the County Council over £100,000 in disposal and landfill tax every year.”

Vicky White, Real Nappy Coordinator for Pembrokeshire, said Real Nappies had come a long way from terry toweling and safety pins. Real nappies were now convenient and easy to use.

“There’s no need to boil wash or tumble dry them – they can be put in the washing machine and hung on the line, making them very easy to use,” she said.

To encourage parents to use Real Nappies the Council is giving £30 cash back when they spend £50 or more on Real Nappies or £60 when they spend £150.

Parents can take advantage of this offer by filling in the Cashback form in their local paper.

All claimants will also be entered into a prize draw with the winner awarded a hamper of Baby products courtesy of Boots the Chemist.

The Real Nappy Campaign in Wales is led and promoted by Waste Awareness Wales.

For more information on using Real Nappies, together with a list of local real nappies stockists, agents and local credit unions phone Vicky White on 01437 775408 or email: [email protected]


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