Getting to grips with Gower illegal campers

Rangers in Gower are getting to grips with illegal campers who are leaving rubbish strewn across the beauty spot.

Areas including, Three Cliffs, Whitford, Port Eynon and Oxwich are being blighted on a regular basis by gangs of youths who are camping illegally and spoiling the natural beauty of the popular visitor locations.

Rangers from Swansea Council and the Countryside Council for Wales, recently removed six tents from an illegal spot in Three Cliffs. And a major litter pick took place at Whitford after campers packed up and left all their rubbish behind.

Joint patrols which also include staff from the National Trust are now targeting the known hot spots in an effort to move any illegal campers on.

Huw Lloyd, Swansea Council’s Gower Ranger said, “The good weather over the summer brings thousands of people out to enjoy what Gower has to offer.

“Unfortunately a minority of visitors are showing no respect for the area, leaving all sorts of rubbish strewn across the landscape.

“We regularly patrol known hotspots for illegal camping, reminding people they cannot camp in these areas. There are plenty of excellent campsites locally.

Gareth Sullivan, Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Planning in Swansea said, “I’m appalled by the mess some people leave behind. They obviously come to appreciate the beauty and tranquillity Gower has to offer but spoil it for everyone else.”

Gower was the first region in the UK to receive status as an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty over 50 years ago.

Cllr Sullivan added, “A lot of effort is made to ensure Gower remains a special place. All we ask is that visitors respect the areas they visit and help us keep Gower beautiful.”

Huw Lloyd, Gower Ranger, can be contacted on 07917200209.


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