Give Welsh taxpayers power to veto Council tax rises

Darren Millar, Shadow Local Government Minister in the National Assembly, has called on the Welsh Assembly Government to take the opportunity to allow local referenda on excessive council tax rises to be held.‪

The UK Coalition’s programme for government stated that it would give residents in England the power to veto high council tax increases.‪ UK Ministers have written to the Welsh Assembly Government offering to extend the powers to Wales.‪

Darren Millar
said, “I very much welcome this opportunity and would urge the Assembly Government to take the powers to give Welsh council tax payers the same rights as those in England.‪

“Council tax doubled in Wales under the last Labour Government, increasing the pressure on the household budgets of hardworking families and pensioners.‪

“It is only right that a local authority which wishes to raise council tax by an excessive amount should secure the permission of its residents through a referendum first.”‪

Leader of the Opposition in the Assembly Nick Bourne said, “The UK Government has rightly offered to extend these powers to Wales and the Labour-Plaid coalition should seize them with both hands.

“David Cameron promised a respect agenda towards the devolved nations and this offer is a perfect example of this in action.”

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