Glyn’s a life saver

A Leisure Centre worker who saved the life of a gym user has been named an Unsung Hero by Pembrokeshire County Council.

Pembroke Leisure Centre Duty Officer Glyn Jones was nominated by the centre’s manager James Walters.

One Sunday last August Glyn was covering the reception desk at the centre when he noticed a man come out from the gym and sit down in a chair in the foyer.

He asked him if he was OK and the man replied that he felt strange before a few minutes later collapsing and falling onto the floor.

Glyn quickly got the Centre’s defibrilation machine and used it before the man was taken to Morriston Hospital. He later recovered and returned to his home in London.

“If it was not for Glyn quick reactions and speed of thought, the man would have died. Glyn saved his life” said James Walters.

The 49-year-old, who lives in Pembroke, has been working at Pembroke Leisure Centre for 33 years.

Said Glyn: “I’m very pleased to receive the award if a little bit embarassed. It was a bit of a team effort really. Our young lifeguard at the centre, David Dutton, was a great help as were two members of the public who kept children away from the scene.”

Glyn was presented with a framed certificate and a Pembrokeshire Produce Direct Hamper at County Hall this week by David Thomas, Head of Marketing and Communications.

Now in its seventh year, the Unsung Hero Award is presented to an individual Council employee who has demonstrated extraordinary commitment in the delivery of first class customer service.

There were 14 nominations for the 2010 award, which can also include nominations from members of the public.

Just missing on the top prize were three runners up who were all Highly Commended.

They included Southern Area Maintenance Manager Glenville Codd, Narberth Pool Manager Jennifer Price and Youth Worker Chris Charlton.

Based at Templeton depot, Glenville Codd was nominated by Head of Maintenance Brian Maddocks for consistently going beyond the call of duty in his work.

In particular Brian Maddocks praised Glenville’s efforts during last winter’s cold weather when he worked “practically around the clock.

“Glenville undertook to collect the drivers of the snow ploughs from their homes and bring them to their vehicles in the council depots – with one of these occasions occurring on New Year’s Day.” said Brian.

“During the flooding of last November he also personally collected and delivered sandbags in the early hours of the morning to properties in Clarbeston Road even though he was not on duty.”

Narberth Pool Manager Jennifer Price was nominated by fitness instructor Hannah Francis for going above and beyond the call of duty in keeping the community interested in the stand-alone pool.

“The pool offers one of the best learn-to-swim programmes and has one of the biggest junior lifesaving clubs in Pembrokeshire,” said Hannah.

“Jennifer herself has taken numerous children and teenagers through their bronze, silver and gold life saving qualifications and some of her students have become her employees.

“Without her I don’t know where I or Narberth swimming pool would be.”

Area Youth Co-ordinator (Mid) Chris Charlton was nominated by fellow Area Youth Co-ordinator (South) David Walker for organising – on top of his everyday duties – the annual half term trip to Paris for young people from across Pembrokeshire.

“The trip has got bigger and bigger each year and Chris takes responsibility for all the travel, recruitment of staff and volunteers, allocation of rooms and liaison with parents and carers,” said David.

This year the organisation was complicated by the widely reported civil unrest in France coupled with a heightened security alert  As a result Chris had had to deal with a large volume of calls from concerned parents whom he reassured with “calmness and empathy.

“The trip was completed with 210 young people and over 20 adult staff and volunteers arriving back safely after what was reputedly the best trip yet!”

Photograph: Glyn is pictured with his hamper along with David Thomas and the three runners-up. From the left they are Glenville Codd, Chris Charlton and Jennifer Price

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