Glyn Davies MP Holds Meeting with Prime Minister to Discuss Montgomeryshire Issues

Glyn Davies and David Cameron
Glyn Davies, Conservative MP for Montgomeryshire, last week held a one to one meeting with Prime Minister David Cameron to discuss issues which are important to Montgomeryshire.

Speaking after the meeting, Glyn Davies MP said:

“Last week, Prime Minister, David Cameron agreed to a one to one meeting to discuss the issues which are most important to Montgomeryshire. It is unusual for the Prime Minister to find time for such a meeting and I was very pleased to have been given such significant access.”

“During the fifteen minute meeting, the Prime Minister and I had a constructive discussion about the economy, access to public services and the impact of wind farms and power lines. These are issues that matter to Montgomeryshire and to my constituents.

“Whilst it was a confidential meeting, I can say that I am very confident that the Prime Minister took on board my concerns. I realise he has a hugely difficult job balancing the opinions and demands put on his desk, I am confident he was listening and is committed to doing all he can to ensure Montgomeryshire is treated fairly. I cannot ask more than that.”
