Glyn Davies MP is pictured speaking at the Patient Choice Awards, in Westminster, June 25th 2014
Glyn Davies, Conservative MP for Montgomeryshire, last week attended the AntiCoagulation Self-Monitoring Alliance (ACSMA) Patient Choice Awards in. The Awards celebrated the work of dedicated NHS health professionals who have helped people on long-term warfarin to monitor their own blood clotting level.
ACSMA had previously invited its members to nominate their top health professionals across the UK, which included nominations for specialist nurses, GPs and hospital consultants who are regarded as having gone above and beyond the call of duty to their patients. The Awards were held in the House of Commons on June 25th. Glyn, who is the Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Atrial Fibrillation, attended the Awards as a guest of honour.
ACSMA, which comprises groups including AntiCoagulation Europe; the Children’s Heart Foundation; the AF Association and the Mechanical Heart Valve Support Group, was set up to campaign for patients on long-term warfarin to have greater access to self-monitoring technology on prescription.
Speaking after the awards, Glyn Davies MP said:
“I was really pleased to have spoken at the Patient Choice Awards, highlighting all the hard work people have done for patients to promote and support self-monitoring.
“Self-monitoring devices are a safe, convenient and accurate way to provide a blood clotting level, and takes less than a minute to complete. The devices are a win-win situation; a win for the NHS as it will help them to reduce potentially life threatening numbers of strokes and save money, and a win for the patient as it increases their independence and encourages empowerment to control their long-term health condition.
“The awards were a great event in celebrating the dedication, enthusiasm and professionalism of those healthcare professionals who are really championing the cause of patients.”
For more info, visit www.acsma.org.uk.