Glyn Davies MP Welcomes News that Montgomery Fire Station will be Saved

Glyn Davies MPGlyn Davies, Conservative MP for Montgomeryshire, has welcomed news that Montgomery Fire Station will not face closure as part of cost saving measures.

Mid & West Wales Fire & Rescue Authority had threatened Montgomery Fire Station with closure as part of planned cost saving measures for the forthcoming year. However, following a meeting on 9th December, the Authority has decided not to include the station as part of the measures.

The news follows a petition set up by Montgomery Mayor Mike Mills and Cllr Stephen Hayes, which called for the removal of the station’s closure as an option. Hundreds of residents from Montgomery and the surrounding area turned out in force on 24th November in support of the campaign, which was also supported by Glyn Davies MP and Montgomeryshire AM Russell George.

Commenting on the news that Montgomery Fire Station is to be saved, Glyn Davies MP said:

“It’s great to see that common sense has prevailed with the news that Montgomery’s Fire Station has been saved from closure.  This is good news not only for the town of Montgomery, but also for the surrounding areas, including Shropshire.

“Montgomery Mayor Mike Mills and Cllr Stephen Hayes did a fantastic job in organising a proactive campaign which inspired Montgomery in coming together to save its fire station. Both Russell George and I witnessed firsthand the strength of unity which residents have shown in support of the station, which was evident by the turnout to Mike Mills’ campaigning day, and also by the number of people who raised the issue at my recent local meeting.

“Congratulations to Mike Mills, Stephen Hayes and Montgomery residents in helping to preserve such an important frontline service.”


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