Glyn Davies Will Vote Against Referendum on Leaving the EU

Glyn Davies, Montgomeryshire’s Conservative MP will vote against a motion to hold a referendum on leaving the EU when the issue is debated in Westminster on Monday. Glyn Davies has always been a Euro-sceptic, but believes it is completely the wrong time to hold an In/Out referendum, when the economic problems facing the UK and the Euro-zone countries are in such a desperate state.

Commenting on Monday’s debate, in which he has asked to be called to speak, Glyn Davies said:

“I have been a Euro-sceptic since Britain was taken into what has become the European Union of today – and campaigned for a No vote when the people were asked whether they wanted to leave in a referendum in 1975. But today is absolutely the wrong time. It would be disastrous for the economy of the UK, if we were to become involved in an In’Out referendum at this time, and it would inevitably impact of our credit rating and the interest rates at which we access money on the financial markets. It would also create chaos within the EU, at a time when there is a real danger of serious financial problems in the Euro-zone – smashing the UK economy in the backwash, destroying UK businesses and jobs.

“A referendum on the UK leaving the EU would be a disaster for those of us who are opposed to further European integration, as it was in 1975. All three party leaders at Westminster are alarmed by the prospect of what damage this self indulgent, self destructive motion could inflict on our economy, and will lead their parties into the No lobbies. I am desperately keen to see a referendum on an issue where the British public can express their view on further integration of the UK into the EU, and we will hold one if any such moves are proposed. We would have held a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty if we had been able to. I also hope for opportunities to repatriate power from the EU – but its just not the time to go for it.

“Its very upsetting for me and other Euro-sceptics that we are being forced into a position of voting against a principle we support, because its being put forward without preparation, and at completely the wrong time. Big decisions, like whether to leave the EU or not must be carefully planned and thought through – not some knee-jerk response that will cause great damage to our country.”

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