Government meeting on Newtown traffic ‘positive’, says AM

Montgomeryshire Assembly Member, Russell George, said that the meeting he had with the Welsh Transport Minister this week was ‘positive’ and that more detailed information on the Newton Bypass had been secured.

The comments were made by Mr George after his meeting with Mr Sargeant in which they discussed how the Government had addressed the Newtown traffic problems and what additional interventions may be required to solve the traffic congestion, as well as how the Bypass project was progressing according to the project timetable.

Commenting on the meeting, Mr George said:

“I thought the meeting with the Transport Minister and his officials was very positive. He was very open in listening to the concerns that I relayed to him on behalf of the Mid Wales community and he was very honest in answering my questions.

“He has tasked his officials to provide me with a range of information on the Bypass, including detailed maps of the development and project plans, with relevant date markers.

“In relation to the current traffic problems, he has committed himself to publishing a comprehensive traffic flow analysis next month and stated that if the evidence proved that there has been no significant improvement, that he would be prepared to make any amendment necessary, which could include reinstalling a roundabout at Kerry Road.

“The Minister has also accepted my invitation to visit Newtown and listen to businesses and relevant groups and would be open to receiving any further local suggestions to resolve the short-term problem.”

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