Graduates in North Wales are being Urged to Take Advantage of High Quality Employment Opportunities

Giles Jones

Giles Jones

The scheme which is available across Wales has a 96% employment success rate with many graduates securing excellent career opportunities after the initial six month period including Glyndwr University graduates Giles Jones and Katie Barlow.

Business Management graduate Giles Jones is five months into his Jobs Growth Wales opportunity as a Business Development Assistant at Glyndwr University.

Prior to starting his position Giles had been looking for full-time employment for 2 months. Having graduated in June 2013 he was eager to pursue a career that allowed him to use the knowledge he’d acquired over the course of his studies.

Giles said; “When the Jobs Growth Wales position with Glyndwr University became available it felt like a perfect fit. Having studied at the University I had a good understanding of the organisation, particularly the Business School. The job allowed me to work with potential collaborative partners from around the world in an organisation that I already knew.”

“The role has been varied, allowing me to focus my time and attention to different areas. This has increased my skill set in a number of ways.”

Giles continues; “From my perspective, the Jobs Growth Wales graduate scheme has allowed me to broaden my skill set, gain a clear understanding of what I want from my career and pick up some valuable knowledge that can only be acquired through working. I’ve also formed relationships with my managers and colleagues that will serve me well in the future. What’s more, the role pays a competitive rate, something that many graduates struggle to find.”

Media graduate Katie Barlow has been offered a permanent position with the Deer Initiative in Wrexham after applying for a position as a Media Communications Assistant. She said;

“One of my friends recommended GO Wales to me after applying herself. I would do the same as I believe it is a good way to make the transition from University to working life. The support you get makes the ‘real world’ a lot less intimidating and the skills you gain are adaptable to many job roles.”

“I struggled to gain full time employment despite having qualifications in child care and my degree in media and writing. The job I was in was not relevant to my degree and that’s when I saw a position for a Media Communications Assistant at the Deer Initiative in Wrexham which was advertised via the Jobs Growth Wales graduate scheme.”

Sam Forde Employer Engagement Officer at Glyndwr University believes more graduates in the region should take advantage of the opportunities available as more applications are needed;
She said;

“The vacancies that we receive from employers in the North Wales region are of a very high quality with many supported by very good salaries. These positions initially last six months but 96% of graduates across Wales have been offered permanent contracts after the six month period.”

Graduates can contact the careers team on 01978 293240 or view and apply for vacancies at

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