Graham: Chancellor highlights requirement for M4 investment

William Graham (Conservative AM for South Wales East) responding to the Chancellor of the Exchequer highlighting the need to invest in the M4 Motorway.

“I am pleased that the George Osborne acknowledged the strategic importance of the M4 Motorway as the main transport artery into Wales, responding to Welsh Conservatives evidential pleas. It is vital, if we are to realise our maximum potential economic regeneration, that the traffic flow and bottle-neck issues are completely addresses”.

“Successive Labour Assembly Governments have dithered on the necessity of an M4 Relief Road, eventually shelving the project because of cost’ denying the overwhelming economic case for its construction”.

“I hope the Assembly Government seize this opportunity to initiate this infrastructure project, especially now the UK Government will explore options, including a pre-payment scheme and the use of the Severn Bridge toll, to help fund the project”.

“Building an M4 Relief Road would regenerate the South Wales economy, creating employment opportunities and establishing the transport network necessary for attracting future investment and further employment growth”.


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