Graham: Latest Drop in Unemployment Welcomed

William_Graham_AM_for_WalesCommenting on the latest figures showing a fall in unemployment in Wales, William Graham AM, Shadow Minister for Business, said:

“These are very welcome figures suggesting that Wales is on the path of economic recovery.

“These figures are further evidence that the Conservative-led coalition has instilled confidence in the UK economy by paying down Labour’s deficit, making Britain pay its own way in the world and securing private sector growth.

“News of more prosperous Welsh and UK economies will come as a further disappointment to Labour doom-mongers who were desperate for economic decline in pursuit of their narrow party political interests.

“While unemployment continues to fall in Wales, the Welsh economic inactivity rate remains higher than the UK average, as it has every month since Welsh Labour came to power almost 15 years ago.

“Labour Ministers must start doing their bit to create the conditions for private sector growth by making it easier to set up a business, investing in transport infrastructure and cutting business rates and red tape for smaller firms.”


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