Graig Y Rhacca boy is the latest to receive an ASBO

A Caerphilly county borough boy is the latest to receive an Anti-Social Behaviour Order (ASBO) after a catalogue of anti-social behaviour in and around this community.

Kane Austin, age 15, of Grays Gardens, Graig Y Rhacca was given a two-year ASBO at Cwmbran Youth Court on 3rd April 2012 after a regular series of abusive, anti-social and aggressive incidents in his local area.

Despite numerous interventions as part of the Safer Caerphilly Community Safety Partnership’s well-established four strikes process, Kane’s behaviour continued.

The Anti-Social Behaviour Order prevents Kane Austin, anywhere within the Caerphilly County Borough Council area from:

  • Acting or inciting others to act in an anti-social manner likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress to one or more persons not of the same household
  • Throwing items at any person
  • Throwing any items at any property not belonging to him or without the owners consent
  • Urinating in a public place other than a public lavatory
  • Being together in a public place in a group of two or more persons behaving in a manner likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress, or in a manner likely to cause a person to fear for their safety or the safety of their property or vehicles
  • Being drunk or consuming alcohol in any public place other than licensed premises
  • Being under the influence of any illegal substance in a public place

In addition to the ASBO, Kane is also subject to an Individual Support Order, which means he must work with the local Youth Offending Service in order to help prevent a repetition of the behaviour which led to the making of the Anti-Social Behaviour Order.

Rob Hartshorn, Head of Public Protection at Caerphilly County Borough Council said, “We take a tough stance on anti-social behaviour in our county borough, and we are adamant that a very small minority of people will not cause nuisance and disturbance to our residents”.

He continued, “I sincerely hope this tough action will be a warning to others that their behaviour will not be tolerated”.

Crime and Disorder Reduction Officer for Bedwas, Stuart Lewis said, “The Anti-Social Behaviour Order placed upon this young person sends out a clear message that behaving in this way will not be tolerated in the local community.  Our aim is to protect the community and I am sure that the quality of life for these residents who have been previously subjected to anti-social behaviour will now improve.”

Breaching an Anti-Social Behaviour Order is a criminal offence, and will result in the individual concerned being arrested, charged and having to make an appearance before the courts.

The Safer Caerphilly Community Safety Partnership is a multi-agency organisation, whose statutory bodies are Caerphilly County Borough Council, Gwent Police, South Wales Fire and Rescue Service, Aneurin Bevan Health Board, Gwent Police Authority and Wales Probation Trust. It works to reduce levels of crime, disorder, anti-social behaviour and fear of crime in the local area.

Residents suffering from anti-social behaviour are encouraged to report this to Gwent Police. Victim Support is also there to provide support on 0845 30 30 900.


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