Grants for Youth Groups

Acting on the recommendations of the Russell Commission to make volunteering truly Youth Led, a grant is available for groups to support a range of small volunteering projects and activities, led and carried out by young people, between 16-25 year olds.

The Project is in its third year in Carmarthenshire and is growing stronger each year with numbers of application forms increasing.

Groups who work with 16-25 year olds with an idea that involves youth volunteering can apply for a grant up to £1500.

These can be school groups, youth groups and constituted groups.

Projects can be one-off events or ongoing activities, but must benefit the local community in some way.

Young people from the Carmarthenshire Youth Council have been nominated to sit on the grant panel and will work with CAVS on setting the criteria, assessing project applications and decide which projects will receive funding.

Carmarthenshire Council’s Youth Participation Officer, Sarah Powell said:

“Youth Council members have prepared themselves for their role on the panel by participating in a peer led training course where they’ve explored decision making and communication skills.

“They are looking forward to receiving applications and their aim is to ensure that all applicants get a fair assessment and that young people will get the best out of future projects.”

The total fund available this year is £6250, with a maximum of £1500 per grant.

The closing date for applications is June 30th 2010

Application packs can be obtained by contacting CAVS on 01267 245 555 / [email protected] or visit the website:


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