Greenmeadow Community Farm planning consultation

Torfaen council is considering installing a small-scale wind turbine at Greenmeadow Community Farm.

A newsletter with a survey will be sent to nearby residents’ homes in the coming weeks and a consultation event will be held at the farm between 3pm-6pm on Thursday 3 September.

During this session residents will be able to share their views on the proposal and have their questions answered by council officials.

With increasing carbon dioxide emissions and energy costs, Torfaen council is committed to reducing energy consumption and promoting sustainable living.

The proposed small-scale turbine for the farm is hoped to be a 15kW wind turbine on a 15-metre mast. With the expected wind speeds at the farm, this model turbine would have the potential of producing about 26 per cent of the farm’s annual energy consumption.

Targets set by the Assembly for cutting carbon emissions are to rise from 60 per cent to 80 per cent by 2050 – so adapting our energy needs now is crucial.

It is hoped the farm will be the first of many sites in Torfaen where this renewable, clean and green energy technology is used. The result – a cleaner, greener future for you and your children.

The informal consultation period ends on 30 September, with a planning application due to submitted soon after.

For more information or to comment on the proposed plans, email or call 01633 648853.


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