Griffiths: Badger Policy is Victory for Science-led Approach

Assembly Member for Wrexham, Lesley Griffiths believes the Welsh Government announcement it is to abandon plans for a badger cull trial in Wales are a ‘victory’ for evidence-based policymaking.

Whilst announcing plans  to abandon badger culling in Wales , the Environment Minister, John Griffiths, stated  the Welsh Government remains committed to eradicating bovine Tuberculosis. A vaccine-led approach is now to be drawn up by Wales’ Chief Veterinary Officer  and implemented from summer, 2012.

Successive studies have shown badger culling can spread TB outside of culling zones due to the ‘perturbation effect’. Culls force badgers to move around, spreading infection to other badgers and cattle. One such study, the Borne report, cost £49 million pounds and took nine years to complete. The Borne report findings were echoed by a recent Welsh Government review of the scientific evidence overseen by the Wales’ Chief Scientific Adviser, Professor John Harries.

Commenting on the recent announcement, Lesley said:

“The Welsh Labour manifesto pledged to take a science-led approach on this issue.  This week’s announcement represents a victory for that approach.

“I am very pleased Wales will now have a vaccine led approach  and also that the policy will begin to be implemented this summer.”


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