Guest lecture: Dr Kay Swinburne MEP

On Thursday 20 October 2011 Dr Kay Swinburne MEP will give a guest lecture on “The European Parliament: the democratic element to dealing with the Eurozone crisis” at Aberystwyth University.

The lecture, organised by the Centre for European Studies, will be held at the Main Hall of the Department of International Politics at 2.30pm and is open to students, staff and members of the local community.

During her lecture, Dr Swinburne will provide an insight into her experiences as a Member of the European Parliament and explain how the European Parliament is interacting with other EU institutions to respond to the Eurozone crisis.

Educated at Llandysul Grammar School, Dr Swinburne went on to study Biochemistry and Microbiology at King’s College London, followed by a PhD in medical research and an MBA from the University of Surrey. She was elected as the Conservative MEP for Wales in June 2009.

Dr Swinburne is currently the European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) Group’s Co-ordinator on the Economics and Monetary Committee in the European Parliament (ECON); and the ECR Group’s Co-ordinator on the Special Committee on the Financial, Economic and Social Crisis (CRIS). She is also a member of the EuroMed Parliamentary Assembly (DMED).

Dr Elena Korosteleva, Jean Monnet Chair in European Politics and Director of the Centre for European Studies said: “We’re delighted to welcome Dr Kay Swinburne to the Centre for European Studies at Aberystwyth University and look forward to what promises to be a fascinating event.”

For further details and to book a place, please visit

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