Guide Dogs Cymru event takes place at the Senedd

Shadow Minister for Equalities Mohammad Asghar was delighted to sponsor an event for Guide Dogs Cymru at the Senedd on Wednesday.

Celebrating 80 years since the first guide dog partnership qualified in the UK, the event promoted the ‘Talking Bus’ campaign and also urged Assembly Members to sign-up for ‘Walk a Mile’ events in their constituency or region.

AMs also had the opportunity to walk through a blindfolded obstacle course to experience the kind of difficulties faced every single day by those with sight problems.

Mr Asghar said: “I was absolutely delighted to sponsor and open the event. The Guide Dogs for the Blind Association do so much amazing work.

“Assembly Members will know how their hard work and lobbying shapes our understanding of the barriers faced by the blind and partially sighted”.

The South Wales East AM also paid tribute to Newport Transport’s recent decision to ensure all buses purchased from 2012 include audible announcement technology.

He said: “After much lobbying, I am thrilled that Newport Transport has committed to ensuring all buses purchased from 2012 will feature audio announcements.

“There are other key steps which Newport Transport can take to improve the accessibility of their vehicles – but I applaud this step and the continued work they do in terms of staff training”.

He added: “More generally, a lot remains to be done across Wales to ensure our public transport becomes more accessible.

“I hope other transport companies will follow the lead taken by Newport Transport, and I hope the Welsh Government is ready to take crucial steps, such as extending the Companion Bus Pass”.

Andrea Gordon, Public Policy Manager for Guide Dogs Cymru, said: “Blind and partially sighted people are uniquely dependent on bus travel.

“We believe that audio announcements on board buses will also help tourists, so the commitment from Newport Transport is extremely welcome, and we now look to other bus companies in Wales to follow their lead”.

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