Gwent Police celebrate work of Volunteers during National Volunteer Week

Gwent Police are celebrating the work of their volunteers during National Volunteer Week and are asking members of the public whether they want to join in, become a volunteer, and make an invaluable contribution to their local community.

To mark the week, which is taking place June 1st – June 7th, Gwent Police together with Gwent Association of Voluntary Organisations (GAVO) and Torfaen Volunteer Alliance are launching a structured volunteering programme which will include a volunteer “speed dating” type event at Ebbw Vale College.

The event, which will take place between 11am and 6pm tomorrow (Thursday June 3rd), will see potential volunteers matched with organisations across Gwent. Sergeant Mike Gray will be attending the event on behalf of Gwent Police and will be speaking to members of the public about opportunities available to them to “match” them up to roles, for example, by joining the Special Constabulary; or by greeting members of the public at the front desk of a station; perhaps supporting their local Neighbourhood Teams in their daily routines by delivering information leaflets and newsletters; or perhaps by taking part in training exercises for new recruits.

The week also provides Gwent Police with an opportunity to pay tribute to the 165 volunteers, which includes 143 Special Constables, they have working with them.

Assistant Chief Constable Jeff Farrar said:

“We are extremely grateful for the time and effort made by our volunteers who play an invaluable role in the running of Gwent Police. We are very fortunate to have fantastic volunteers, including some who have been with us a very long time, who help deliver services to members of the public . Gwent Police volunteers are very much an integral part of the wider police family and we would encourage anyone wishing to make a contribution to their local community to get in touch,”

Volunteers from Gwent Police have been nominated for the National Policing Improvement Agency Special Constable and Police Support Volunteer Awards 2010. Nominees from Gwent Police include: Wayne Tudball who regulary speaks to, and takes part in role plays, with student police officers; Christine Smith who has been a Special Constable for 16 years and, a group of volunteers who work at Risca Police Station who have been nominated for Police Support Volunteer Team Awards. The winners will be announced at a ceremony on June 17th.

For more information about voluntary opportunities with Gwent Police please call 01633 247911

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